Some Cool dev Tools and web Finds to Keep You CodeHappy :)!
I have been meaning to share a few tools that I use for my web development process. I’ve been testing out Brackets IO, but it still sorta misbehaves with SASS. It’s a tad slower, but it has some nifty features right out the the box that typically you have to add to SublimeText2 in via […]
PSD to HTML, the art of the CSS reset and Gladwell’s 10,000 hours to mastery
This month I had the privilege to attend Zoe Rooney’s GDI PSD to HTML workshop. Lots of really good changes in my professional life right now, one of them being a new job in the city of Brotherly Love. I have been wrapping my head around Object Oriented CSS (here is  agreat intro from Smashing […]
Me Gusta La Red 2.0
Me encanta en lenguaje de la red en espanol. Las tablas no se usan para maquetear. Se usan las hojas de estilo en cascada. Oye, pero eso si que suena elegantisimo. Estoy inspirada hoy, y, les presento 3 logos… jugando ando. Mira, flote esos logos hacia la izquierda esta vez.
Wishlist: Mom, Dad, This Feed is For You
My parents are far away, and I miss them lots. They miss me more, since I am their only child. Wouldn’t it be awesome if, instead of the gazillion phone calls and emails, they could just subscribe to my subcutaneous DNa-RSS chip-thingamabob (pardon the technical jargon) and receive the feed of my life’s events, daily, […]
Why Working While Hungry is Not Worthwhile
SKITTLES! YAY! WOOO! Obviously, I’m hungry. Sheesh. Total disconnect. This has nothing to do with anything. In trying to come up with some creative ideas at work, I was only able to come up with ‘skittles’. Maybe something will come out of it, for now… I think I’m heading to the vending machine … < […]