Repository (slang: Repo): Location on github that stores a snapshot of a project. It includes: snapshots of changes and commits in a history. Names of Repos: Upstream points to the source projects on github. Origin points to  the forked copy in github of the source. Master is the local copy on your development system. So when you work locally, you can merge master with origin/master […]
PSD to HTML, the art of the CSS reset and Gladwell’s 10,000 hours to mastery
This month I had the privilege to attend Zoe Rooney’s GDI PSD to HTML workshop. Lots of really good changes in my professional life right now, one of them being a new job in the city of Brotherly Love. I have been wrapping my head around Object Oriented CSS (here is  agreat intro from Smashing […]
Four Days of Bootstrap Love
I am currently working on a Rails app and was tired of looking at the default styling as I build it out … so I sat down to give it some Twitter Bootstrap style. To give  the app some css love, I added twitter  bootstrap to my Gemfile and ran bundle install. It took me […]
Basic git/github Concepts for Newbies
(I am posting this mostly to review key concepts discussed on evening of May 29, 2013). This is a crosspost with RubyGirlsonRails) Repository (slang: Repo): Location on github that stores a snapshot of a project. It includes: snapshots of changes and commits in a history. Names of Repos: Upstream points to the source projects on […]