Category: Personalization

Personalization Print

mine. Two Issues Have Arrived. yawwnnn. (Excuse Me)

To date, I’ve received two issues of the much-hyped lexus-funded ‘mine’ hybrid-content magazine. y  a  w  n. I’m sorry. Did I just yawn in your mid-sentence? I just have to wonder at the marketing strategy over at Lexus: a car company willing to fund, what is basically, a dying publishing model ( — I predict […]

Design Opinion Personalization Print typography

It Really *IS* All About Me, Mine and Me

Flipping through the latest issue of Time magazine (March 30, 2009), I stopped at a page that read in a nice, thick, satisfying, sans-serify font: ‘mine. My Magazine. My Way.” I took the path offered to and signed up to receive what was being promised as a “publication made just for (me)”.  Clicking through […]

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