Okay, not really Lindsay and Britney…. Microformats actually. But, now that I have your attention: I want to take the opportunity to mention some very cool and unique people I met and conversations I had of note while at the eduWeb Conference. First, i got to meet an ellusive uwebd-list guru: Jay Collier, web comm. […]
EDU Web Conference: Plan to attend in 2008!
Just returned from a really good few days in Baltimore, Maryland, site of the edu Web Conference. Kudos to the organizer, Shelley Wentzel, for a job well done. Needless to say, I was inspired by the dedication and enthusiasm of the presenters and the attendees. There is something very special about my colleagues who work […]
Me Gusta La Red 2.0
Me encanta en lenguaje de la red en espanol. Las tablas no se usan para maquetear. Se usan las hojas de estilo en cascada. Oye, pero eso si que suena elegantisimo. Estoy inspirada hoy, y, les presento 3 logos… jugando ando. Mira, flote esos logos hacia la izquierda esta vez.
Wishlist: Mom, Dad, This Feed is For You
My parents are far away, and I miss them lots. They miss me more, since I am their only child. Wouldn’t it be awesome if, instead of the gazillion phone calls and emails, they could just subscribe to my subcutaneous DNa-RSS chip-thingamabob (pardon the technical jargon) and receive the feed of my life’s events, daily, […]
Why Working While Hungry is Not Worthwhile
SKITTLES! YAY! WOOO! Obviously, I’m hungry. Sheesh. Total disconnect. This has nothing to do with anything. In trying to come up with some creative ideas at work, I was only able to come up with ‘skittles’. Maybe something will come out of it, for now… I think I’m heading to the vending machine … < […]
Fun With Orbs and Flash
[SWF] http://www.cassandraking.net/flash/blueorb.swf, 400, 300[/SWF]
Web 0.1 – Before the Web was Won
This is so amusing: in the fall of 1985, Technology Review published “The Inevitable March of Videotex” a service that would allow users to buy a ‘decoder’ that translated data from a central computer for retrieval. Early echoes of what the internet is today. Get your Viewtron on! Read the full story over at Technology […]
Krusty O’s cereal, Buzz Cola & Blue Vanilla Squishees – WooHoo!
7-11’s are getting a Kiwk-E makover. I cannot wait! You can actually also be ‘drawn’ into a Simpons episode – buy sandwich or slurpee with game code and enter online. Cawabunga! Kewel! E-online has the scoop. Thank you. Come again.
Fun With Circles and Flash
[SWF] http://www.cassandraking.net/flash/bluecircle.swf, 400, 300[/SWF]
Fun With Keyla and iMovie
Let me tell you what is SO special about this little iMovie: a. The video was taken by my ‘little sister’ Keyla, 11 years old, one of my favorite people. b. The soundtrack (song) is Keyla singing. (the next American Idol) c. The action is Keyla and gang in NYC having loads of fun